Saturday, February 22, 2020

Across The Universe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Across The Universe - Essay Example The film is brilliant for its daringness and like the war in Vietnam; the film does not quite stop in the achievement of its goals. It reaches something more powerful in the quest for success. The music that is used in the first part of the film fits well with the story, from a fantastic dancing number, to Lucy when she is gently musing on the potential romance with Jude through singing. At the end of the film, the song morphs into a dance that can be said to be seductive between Jojo and Sadie. This is a brilliant balance of the inherent romance and the song’s darkness (Taymor 1). At the start, of the film, the music that has been used binds well to the situation and what is taking place in the film. Through this, the film highly captures the viewer’s attention. Some may argue that when watching the film, only the actors and the screenplay matter; however, this is not true as proved by this film. Films have to match the message with the background music played to maintain the viewer’s attention and show progress in the movie. A song can also be used to introduce a new theme or emphasize on a current them is a film (Taymor 1). Halfway through this film, the musical numbers get more visually splendid and weirder and the story seems to lose its way. This one effect is attributed to the wrong choice of song. The film writer has to ensure that the theme of the song coincides with the theme that the film is trying to advocate for, if the theme of the song does not correspond with the film’s theme, then the film will lose its way and will not achieve the required goal (Taymor 1). In the film, the actors use songs to emphasize the feelings that they are portraying especially the main casts. At some point when Sadie tells the rest of the band that Lucy is planning on going solo, Jojo intentionally spoils Lucy’s’ opening song.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Market Segmentation in Healthcare Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market Segmentation in Healthcare - Assignment Example With the development of many technologies, companies are benefiting from this strategy because they carry out due diligence to know the likely risk they are to encounter hence adapting to market segments. First, market segment helps organizations in reducing risk by knowing when, how and where to channel their products and services upon production (Kotler, 2003). It assists the organization to know when and how to market their products and serviced depending on their target markets. Secondly, segment marketing assists organizations in increasing marketing efficiency because it directs them to the target consumers, hence minimizing other wastages (Kotler, 2003). It allows organizations to produce or distribute goods and service according to a segments’ characteristics, which is very effective. In many cases, organizations make losses when they produce goods and offer services without knowing their target markets or audiences (Brown, 1996). Thirdly, market segmentation helps com panies to study consumer behavior, which is useful in pre-focusing of sales volumes and in making recommendations (Kotler, 2003). Organizations that conduct market segmentation knows the seasons when their target consumers are active in buying; hence, they can use this information in planning their productions as well as in focusing the sales volume (Walston, Kimberly & Burns, 1996). Market segmentation is divided into four levels, namely; geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral segmentation, and they serve different purposes depending on different factors (Kotler, 2003). Geographic segmentation is a strategy where a company or an organization sells its products and services in certain places in the world or in a defined boundary where it perceives to impact its marketing mix (Nobel & Mokwa, 1999). Demographic segmentation is where an organization divides its market as per gender, age, income, and household income, as opposed to all consumers in the market (Nobel & Mok wa, 1999). In this case, an organization becomes specific to the target gender, age, and income when entering a market.